Ethos and Values
Ethos and Values
At West Lane, we want all children to achieve to the best of their ability and our staff have high expectations for all. We provide an engaging and exciting curriculum which meets every child’s needs, encouraging inclusivity and individual needs. We want our children to become members of the community who we are proud of, displaying confidence to face the world and what the future holds. Our school provides a happy, friendly and positive environment where all members of our school community are respected and where everyone feels safe. We work in partnership with our parents and the community to support our children’s wellbeing and future educational journey.
At West Lane we aim to:
- Provide a welcoming, safe, happy school where everyone is respected and listened to; a school where we take pride in ourselves and our achievements, enabling children to become confident and successful learners.
- Be a partner in the education of our pupils and be committed to working in partnership with our parents, governors and the wider community.
- Value independence, developing a deeper level of learning and provide a curriculum which enables our pupils to become active citizens of the future.
- Work hard to develop excellent teachers, in an environment where all staff are committed to their own learning journey and the sharing of quality practice.
- Celebrate every success, no matter how small
- Encourage everyone to do their very best and persevere in the face of challenges.
- Develop a love of learning inspired by quality teaching and an engaging curriculum and exciting school life experiences.
Our school drivers are central to achieving our aims and sustaining the ethos of our school. They guide us from day to day in our learning, thinking and decision-making. The impact of our drivers is evident in the daily life of our school community: